Curse Discord Curse Discord Рів 13

Confuses the enemy to attack its ally.

Type Активне (атакуюче)
Споживає 120 MP
Час перезарядження 10 сек.
Можна використовувати на олімпіаді? Так
Трейт trait_none
Дальність застосування 600 (1100)
Curse Discord Curse Discord Рів 1 Confuses the enemy to attack its ally.
Curse Discord Curse Discord Рів 2 Confuses the enemy to attack its ally.
Curse Discord Curse Discord Рів 3 Confuses the enemy to attack its ally.
Curse Discord Curse Discord Рів 4 Confuses the enemy to attack its ally.
Curse Discord Curse Discord Рів 5 Confuses the enemy to attack its ally.
Curse Discord Curse Discord Рів 6 Confuses the enemy to attack its ally.
Curse Discord Curse Discord Рів 7 Confuses the enemy to attack its ally.
Curse Discord Curse Discord Рів 8 Confuses the enemy to attack its ally.
Curse Discord Curse Discord Рів 9 Confuses the enemy to attack its ally.
Curse Discord Curse Discord Рів 10 Confuses the enemy to attack its ally.
Curse Discord Curse Discord Рів 11 Confuses the enemy to attack its ally.
Curse Discord Curse Discord Рів 12 Confuses the enemy to attack its ally.
Curse Discord Curse Discord Рів 13 [selected] Confuses the enemy to attack its ally.
Curse Discord Curse Discord Рів 14 Confuses the enemy to attack its ally.