Cursed Life

Soldier Orbyu, who manages the Wharf of Keucereus Alliance Base, is searching for an adventurer who can regain their freedom by destroying monsters which once were idols but have become cursed. These monsters are said to swallow anyone nearby...

Стартовий NPC Human Orbyu Soldier (Orbyu)
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Рівень 75 ~ 85
Стартовий NPC
Human Orbyu Soldier (Orbyu)
1: Liberate the Curse Life.
Soldier Orbyu, who manages the Wharf of Keucereus Alliance Base, has a request for us to regain their freedom by destroying Rok and his subordinate monsters. Rok and his subordinates were once idolized until they became curse, now they appear in the skies above the Seed of Infinity claiming the lives of anyone who goes nearby. Let's hunt them and bring remians of deadmen who have been swalled by the monsters as evidence that this task is complete.

Monsters to hunt - Rok, Mutant Bird, and Dra Hawks