Help the Uncle!

One day his uncle left to start a ranch in the north, and Waters recently got a letter from him! He wants to help his uncle start a new life...

Стартовий NPC Human Waters Pet Manager (Waters)
Подивитись карту
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Рівень 25 ~ 85
Прохождение Квест Помощь Дяде (Буйвол) 25+
Стартовий NPC
Human Waters Pet Manager (Waters)
1: A Trident is Needed
Pet Manager Waters asks you to find him a trident.

2: Hunting Monster Eyes
Waters cannot send the trident because of the monster eyes lurking near the village. Hunt the monster eyes for him.
Monsters to Hunt -
Plains of Dion: Monster Eye Destroyers
Dion Hills: Monster Eye Gazers

3: Return to Waters
You've defeated 30 monster eyes. Return to Pet Manager Waters.

4: The Plan of Attack
The monster eyes had a map containing their attack plans! Show it to Sophya.

5: Return to Waters
Sophya thanks you for the information and asks you to thank Waters for her, too. Return to Pet Manager Waters.