Постачальник Реагентів

The Ivory Tower is the crowning achievement of our civilization! Research done here will benefit future generations! Magic is the way of the future!

Стартовий NPC Human Уеслі Магічний Торговець (Wesley)
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Рівень 57 ~ 75
Стартовий NPC
Human Уеслі Магічний Торговець (Wesley)
1: Preparation of Reagents
You have agreed to obtain the reagent that Magic Trader Wesley needs for his magic research. Slay the evil creatures in the Tower of Insolence and the Blazing Swamp and collect reagent ingredients. Once you collect the ingredients, use the mixing urn in the basement of the Ivory Tower to create reagents. Refer to the note that is attached to the mixing urn for instructions on how to use the urn and for the formulas used to mix the ingredients. In the Tower of Insolence you should hunt Crendions, Hallate's Maids, Hallate's Guardians, Platinum Tribe Shamans and Platinum Guardian Shamans. In the Blazing Swamp hunt Lava Wyrms and Hames Orc Shamans. In the Cemetery or Forbidden Gateway hunt Trives.