Зустріч з Оборотнями

The fiendish Maraku Werewolves will pay for murdering a messenger of the Lord of Flame! In the name of Pa'agrio, kill them all!

Стартовий NPC Orc Брукерс Префект (Brukurse)
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Рівень 9 ~ 18
Стартовий NPC
Orc Брукерс Префект (Brukurse)
1: Blood Relatives' Revenge
War has been declared against the Maraku Werewolves who have dared to kill the Pa'agrio Lord's messenger! They have sent the messenger's head to us in spite! Prefect Brukurse asks you to slay the Maraku Werewolves and to bring back forty of their heads.

2: Return to Prefect Brukurse
You have collected 40 Maraku werewolf heads. Take them to Prefect Brukurse.