Чого Хочуть Жінки

Arujian, a young man in the Elven Village, adores Magister Greenis with all his heart, but no one knows if Greenis returns his affections.

Стартовий NPC Elf Аруен (Arujien)
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Рівень 2 ~ 5
Стартовий NPC
Elf Аруен (Arujien)
1: Arujien's Letter
Arujien confesses to you that he has pined for Magister Greenis for a long time. He asks you to find out if Greenis returns his affection. Meet with her younger sister, Gatekeeper Mirabel, and show her Arujien's letter.

2: Uncle Herbiel
Gatekeeper Mirabel says that she doesn't get involved in her sister's affairs. She suggests that you ask Trader Herbiel. You will find him in a magic shop. Show him Arujien's Letter.

3: Uncle's Advice
Trader Herbiel thinks that Magister Greenis likes Arujien. Go back to Arujien and give him the good news.

4: Feelings that Have Turned into a Poem
Arujien says that he's written a book of poetry for Greenis. Take Arujien's poetry book to Magister Greenis.

5: Letter of Refusal
Magister Greenis informs you that she loves another. Take Greenis' letter of refusal to Arujian.