Трансфер умінь цілителів

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В хрониках Gracia Epilogue в игру был добавлен Трансфер Умений для класса целителей. Эта система позволяет одному классу целителей получить умения от двух других классов. Например, Жрец Евы (Eva's Saint) может выучить Purify Purify Lv. 3 (Purify).

Подклассы с третьей профессией также могут воспользоваться Трансфером Умений.

Многие умения полученные через Трансфер можно улучшать (точить).

Как выучить и отменить

После завершения квеста на третью профессию целители получают специальные предметы — Священное Благовоние (Holy Pomander) или "помадки". Количество зависит от класса:

Профессия На Masterwork Базовая игра
Кардинал (Cardinal) Holy Pomander - Cardinal Holy Pomander - Cardinal NG x 2 Holy Pomander - Cardinal Holy Pomander - Cardinal NG x 1
Жрец Евы (Eva's Saint) Holy Pomander - Eva's Saint Holy Pomander - Eva's Saint NG x 2 Holy Pomander - Eva's Saint Holy Pomander - Eva's Saint NG x 1
Жрец Шилен (Shillien Saint) Holy Pomander - Shillien Saint Holy Pomander - Shillien Saint NG x 3 Holy Pomander - Shillien Saint Holy Pomander - Shillien Saint NG x 4

Чтобы обменять Священное Благовоние на умение, поговорите с Жрецом или Магистром своего класса и выберите нужное вам умение. Для получения одного умения требуется одно Священное Благовоние.

Взятые умения можно сбросить, для этого поговорите с Жрецом или Магистром своего класса. Отмена умений обойдется вам в 10 000 000 Adena Adena NG , за каждое отмененное умение вы получите Священное Благовоние своего класса.


Умения, доступные для трансфера классу Кардинал (Cardinal):

Умение Описание
Recharge Recharge Lv. 32 Recovers MP with up to 136 Power, depending on the target's level.
Cannot be used by classes that have Recharge skill.
Blessed Blood Blessed Blood Lv. 7 Bestows the blessing of blood upon party members. Recovers HP by a certain rate when being attacked.
Stigma of Shilien Stigma of Shilien Lv. 4 Decreases resistance to short-range weapons by 40%.
Empower Empower Lv. 3 Increases M. Atk. by 75%.
Wild Magic Wild Magic Lv. 2 Increases by 2 the damage rate of magic.
Vampiric Rage Vampiric Rage Lv. 4 9% of the standard melee damage inflicted on an enemy is recovered as HP.
Guidance Guidance Lv. 3 Accuracy +4.
Clarity Clarity Lv. 3 Physical Skill MP Consumption -30%, magic skill MP Consumption by 10%, and Rhythms skill MP Consumption by 20%.
Resist Shock Resist Shock Lv. 4 Increases Resistance to Stun by 40%.
Death Whisper Death Whisper Lv. 3 Increases Critical Damage by 35%.
Bless Shield Bless Shield Lv. 6 Increases Shield Defence by 30%.
Advanced Block Advanced Block Lv. 3 Increases Shield Defence by 50%.
Agility Agility Lv. 3 Increases Evasion by 4.
Resist Poison Resist Poison Lv. 3 Increases resistance to Poison by 50%.
Resist Wind Resist Wind Lv. 3 Increase Resistance to Wind by 30% but decreases Resistance to Fire, Water and Earth by 7%.
Resist Holy Resist Holy Lv. 3 Increase Resistance to Holy by 15% but decreases Resistance to Dark by 30%.
Resist Dark Resist Dark Lv. 3 Increase Resistance to Dark by 15% but decreases Resistance to Holy by 30%.
Decrease Weight Decrease Weight Lv. 3 Weight Penalty interval +9000.
Serenade of Eva Serenade of Eva Lv. 3 Soothes surrounding enemies, eliminating their desire to attack.
Return Return Lv. 2 Teleports caster to the nearest village. This skill cannot be used in a specially designated place such as the GM Consultation Service.
Party Recall Party Recall Lv. 2 Teleports party members to a village. This skill cannot be used in a specially designated place such as the GM Consultation Service.
Party Recall: Clan Hall Party Recall: Clan Hall Lv. 1 Teleports party members to a Clan Hall.
This skill cannot be used in a specially designated place such as the GM Consultation Service.

Shares cooldown with other "Party Recall" skills.
Party Recall: Fortress Party Recall: Fortress Lv. 1 Teleports party members to a Fortress.
This skill cannot be used in a specially designated place such as the GM Consultation Service.

Shares cooldown with other "Party Recall" skills.
Party Recall: Castle Party Recall: Castle Lv. 1 Teleports party members to a Castle.
This skill cannot be used in a specially designated place such as the GM Consultation Service.

Shares cooldown with other "Party Recall" skills.

Жрец Евы

Умения, доступные для трансфера классу Жрец Евы (Eva's Saint):

Умение Описание
Greater Battle Heal Greater Battle Heal Lv. 33 Immediately restores the target's HP with 858 Power.
Major Group Heal Major Group Heal Lv. 5 Restores all party members' HP with 1170 Power.
Mass Resurrection Mass Resurrection Lv. 6 Resurrect a dead party/clan/alliance members, also restores 55% of Exp.
Restore Life Restore Life Lv. 4 Recovers 30% HP.
Body of Avatar Body of Avatar Lv. 6 Restores HP of all party members by 35% and increases Max HP by 35%.
Benediction Benediction Lv. 1 Restores 100% HP for party members.
Purify Purify Lv. 3 Cancels Paralysis, Fear, Sleep, Hold, Slow and petrification and cures severe poison/bleed condition.
Celestial Shield Celestial Shield Lv. 1 Protects the target with sacred power, making it invincible.
Mana Storm Mana Storm Lv. 5 Supplements the user's M. Atk. with 81 Power to consume nearby enemies' MP.
Magical BackFire Magical BackFire Lv. 10 Increases an enemy's skill MP Consumption by 200%.
Hold Undead Hold Undead Lv. 12 Paralyzes an undead monster.
Repose Repose Lv. 13 Diminishes undead monster's will to attack.
Requiem Requiem Lv. 14 Sings a requiem that prevents nearby undead monsters from making preemptive attacks.
Peace Peace Lv. 15 Puts target's mind at peace, decreasing their aggression.
Blessed Blood Blessed Blood Lv. 7 Bestows the blessing of blood upon party members. Recovers HP by a certain rate when being attacked.
Stigma of Shilien Stigma of Shilien Lv. 4 Decreases resistance to short-range weapons by 40%.
Empower Empower Lv. 3 Increases M. Atk. by 75%.
Vampiric Rage Vampiric Rage Lv. 4 9% of the standard melee damage inflicted on an enemy is recovered as HP.
Guidance Guidance Lv. 3 Accuracy +4.
Resist Holy Resist Holy Lv. 3 Increase Resistance to Holy by 15% but decreases Resistance to Dark by 30%.
Resist Wind Resist Wind Lv. 3 Increase Resistance to Wind by 30% but decreases Resistance to Fire, Water and Earth by 7%.

Жрец Шилен

Умения, доступные для трансфера классу Жрец Шилен (Shillien Saint):

Умение Описание
Greater Battle Heal Greater Battle Heal Lv. 33 Immediately restores the target's HP with 858 Power.
Major Group Heal Major Group Heal Lv. 5 Restores all party members' HP with 1170 Power.
Mass Resurrection Mass Resurrection Lv. 6 Resurrect a dead party/clan/alliance members, also restores 55% of Exp.
Restore Life Restore Life Lv. 4 Recovers 30% HP.
Body of Avatar Body of Avatar Lv. 6 Restores HP of all party members by 35% and increases Max HP by 35%.
Benediction Benediction Lv. 1 Restores 100% HP for party members.
Purify Purify Lv. 3 Cancels Paralysis, Fear, Sleep, Hold, Slow and petrification and cures severe poison/bleed condition.
Celestial Shield Celestial Shield Lv. 1 Protects the target with sacred power, making it invincible.
Mana Storm Mana Storm Lv. 5 Supplements the user's M. Atk. with 81 Power to consume nearby enemies' MP.
Magical BackFire Magical BackFire Lv. 10 Increases an enemy's skill MP Consumption by 200%.
Trance Trance Lv. 10 Causes an enemy to sleep.
Might of Heaven Might of Heaven Lv. 19 Inflicts holy damage on the undead with 87 Power added to M. Atk.
Hold Undead Hold Undead Lv. 12 Paralyzes an undead monster.
Repose Repose Lv. 13 Diminishes undead monster's will to attack.
Requiem Requiem Lv. 14 Sings a requiem that prevents nearby undead monsters from making preemptive attacks.
Peace Peace Lv. 15 Puts target's mind at peace, decreasing their aggression.
Holy Weapon Holy Weapon Lv. 1 A temporary holy enhancement of a physical attack. Can be used on one's party members.
Resist Shock Resist Shock Lv. 4 Increases Resistance to Stun by 40%.
Bless Shield Bless Shield Lv. 6 Increases Shield Defence by 30%.
Advanced Block Advanced Block Lv. 3 Increases Shield Defence by 50%.
Regeneration Regeneration Lv. 3 HP Regeneration +20%.
Agility Agility Lv. 3 Increases Evasion by 4.
Decrease Weight Decrease Weight Lv. 3 Weight Penalty interval +9000.
Resist Dark Resist Dark Lv. 3 Increase Resistance to Dark by 15% but decreases Resistance to Holy by 30%.
Resist Poison Resist Poison Lv. 3 Increases resistance to Poison by 50%.
Serenade of Eva Serenade of Eva Lv. 13 Soothes surrounding enemies, eliminating their desire to attack.
Vitalize Vitalize Lv. 27 Recovers HP with 780 Power and cures severe poison/bleeding.