Construct Core Inzone Boss
Рівень 80 Час відродження No Respawn
HP 7 616 000 MP 1 277
Фіз. Атк. 593 Маг. Атк. 2 081
Фіз. Зах. 2 204 Маг. Зах 2 701
Макс. получаемый урон 35000
Влучність 143 Ухилення 143
Досвід 24 320 000 SP 5 000 000
Атрибут атаки Holy, 150 Атрибут захисту

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

Предмет Кількість Шанс
Шанс групи
Unidentified Basalt Battlehammer Unidentified Basalt Battlehammer S 1 25%
Unidentified Imperial Staff Unidentified Imperial Staff S 1 25%
Unidentified Arcana Mace Unidentified Arcana Mace S 1 25%
Unidentified Dragon Hunter Axe Unidentified Dragon Hunter Axe S 1 25%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Forgotten Blade Unidentified Forgotten Blade S 1 25%
Unidentified Demon Splinter Unidentified Demon Splinter S 1 25%
Unidentified Saint Spear Unidentified Saint Spear S 1 25%
Unidentified Heaven's Divider Unidentified Heaven's Divider S 1 25%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Angel Slayer Unidentified Angel Slayer S 1 50%
Unidentified Draconic Bow Unidentified Draconic Bow S 1 50%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Dynasty Cudgel Unidentified Dynasty Cudgel S 1 20%
Unidentified Dynasty Phantom Unidentified Dynasty Phantom S 1 20%
Unidentified Dynasty Mace Unidentified Dynasty Mace S 1 20%
Unidentified Dynasty Staff Unidentified Dynasty Staff S 1 20%
Unidentified Dynasty Crusher Unidentified Dynasty Crusher S 1 20%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Dynasty Sword Unidentified Dynasty Sword S 1 25%
Unidentified Dynasty Bagh-Nakh Unidentified Dynasty Bagh-Nakh S 1 25%
Unidentified Dynasty Halberd Unidentified Dynasty Halberd S 1 25%
Unidentified Dynasty Blade Unidentified Dynasty Blade S 1 25%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Dynasty Knife Unidentified Dynasty Knife S 1 50%
Unidentified Dynasty Bow Unidentified Dynasty Bow S 1 50%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Circlet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Arcana Sigil Unidentified Sealed Arcana Sigil S 1 20%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlet Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlet S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Glove Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Glove S 1 16.66%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Boots Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Boots S 1 16.66%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Glove Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Glove S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Boots S 1 16.67%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Armor S 1 25%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Robe Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Robe S 1 25%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate S 1 22%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters S 1 28%
Шанс групи
Basalt Battlehammer Head Basalt Battlehammer Head NG 3 - 7 25%
Imperial Staff Head Imperial Staff Head NG 3 - 5 25%
Arcana Mace Head Arcana Mace Head NG 3 - 5 25%
Dragon Hunter Axe Blade Dragon Hunter Axe Blade NG 3 - 7 25%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Blade Edge Forgotten Blade Edge NG 3 - 7 25%
Demon Splinter Blade Demon Splinter Blade NG 3 - 7 25%
Saint Spear Blade Saint Spear Blade NG 3 - 7 25%
Heavens Divider Edge Heavens Divider Edge NG 3 - 7 25%
Шанс групи
Angel Slayer Blade Angel Slayer Blade NG 3 - 7 50%
Draconic Bow Shaft Draconic Bow Shaft NG 3 - 7 50%
Шанс групи
Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern NG 4 - 10 20%
Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern NG 4 - 10 20%
Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern NG 4 - 10 20%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part NG 4 - 10 20%
Sealed Arcana Sigil Piece Sealed Arcana Sigil Piece NG 4 - 10 20%
Шанс групи
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Design Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Design NG 4 - 10 16.67%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Design Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Design NG 4 - 10 16.67%
Sealed Major Arcana Gloves fabric Sealed Major Arcana Gloves fabric NG 4 - 10 16.66%
Sealed Major Arcana Boots Design Sealed Major Arcana Boots Design NG 4 - 10 16.66%
Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Fabric Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Fabric NG 4 - 10 16.67%
Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Design Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Design NG 4 - 10 16.67%
Шанс групи
Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Part Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Part NG 4 - 10 25%
Sealed Major Arcana Robe Part Sealed Major Arcana Robe Part NG 4 - 10 25%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Part Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Part NG 4 - 10 25%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Pattern Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Pattern NG 4 - 10 25%
Шанс групи
Sealed Dynasty Helmet Piece Sealed Dynasty Helmet Piece NG 1 - 3 20%
Sealed Dynasty Leather Helmet Piece Sealed Dynasty Leather Helmet Piece NG 1 - 3 20%
Sealed Dynasty Circlet Piece Sealed Dynasty Circlet Piece NG 1 - 3 20%
Sealed Dynasty Shield Piece Sealed Dynasty Shield Piece NG 2 - 3 20%
Sealed Dynasty Sigil Piece Sealed Dynasty Sigil Piece NG 2 - 3 20%
Шанс групи
Sealed Dynasty Gauntlet Piece Sealed Dynasty Gauntlet Piece NG 2 - 3 16.67%
Sealed Dynasty Boot Piece Sealed Dynasty Boot Piece NG 2 - 3 16.67%
Sealed Dynasty Leather Glove Piece Sealed Dynasty Leather Glove Piece NG 2 - 3 16.66%
Sealed Dynasty Leather Boots Piece Sealed Dynasty Leather Boots Piece NG 2 - 3 16.66%
Sealed Dynasty Glove Piece Sealed Dynasty Glove Piece NG 2 - 3 16.67%
Sealed Dynasty Shoes Piece Sealed Dynasty Shoes Piece NG 2 - 3 16.67%
Шанс групи
Sealed Dynasty Breast Plate Piece Sealed Dynasty Breast Plate Piece NG 1 - 2 16.67%
Sealed Dynasty Gaiters Piece Sealed Dynasty Gaiters Piece NG 1 - 2 16.67%
Sealed Dynasty Leather Armor Piece Sealed Dynasty Leather Armor Piece NG 1 - 2 16.66%
Sealed Dynasty Leather Leggings Piece Sealed Dynasty Leather Leggings Piece NG 1 - 2 16.66%
Sealed Dynasty Tunic Piece Sealed Dynasty Tunic Piece NG 1 - 2 16.67%
Sealed Dynasty Stocking Piece Sealed Dynasty Stocking Piece NG 1 - 2 16.67%
Шанс групи
Sealed Dynasty Necklace Sealed Dynasty Necklace S 1 25%
Sealed Dynasty Earring Sealed Dynasty Earring S 1 34%
Sealed Dynasty Ring Sealed Dynasty Ring S 1 41%
Шанс групи
Sealed Dynasty Necklace Gemstone Sealed Dynasty Necklace Gemstone NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Dynasty Earring Gemstone Sealed Dynasty Earring Gemstone NG 3 - 7 34%
Sealed Dynasty Ring Gemstone Sealed Dynasty Ring Gemstone NG 4 - 8 41%
Шанс групи
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade) Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade) NG 1 25%
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) NG 1 - 2 75%
Шанс групи
MasterWork Crystal: A-grade MasterWork Crystal: A-grade NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
MasterWork Crystal: S-grade MasterWork Crystal: S-grade S/ Dynasty NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
MasterWork Crystal: S80-grade MasterWork Crystal: S80-grade Moirai NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
MasterWork Crystal: S84-grade MasterWork Crystal: S84-grade Vesper NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 2 - 8 100%
Шанс групи
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 3 - 15 100%
Шанс групи
Attributes Supplies Attributes Supplies Stones & Crystals NG 3 - 5 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Protection of Elemental Forgotten Scroll - Protection of Elemental NG 1 50%
Forgotten Scroll - Protection of Alignment Forgotten Scroll - Protection of Alignment NG 1 50%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will NG 1 33.33%
Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will NG 1 33.34%
Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will NG 1 33.33%
Шанс групи
Ring of Core Ring of Core C 1 2.5%
  • +
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