Dynasty Dual Dagger {PvP} Dynasty Dual Dagger {PvP} S

A dual dagger that has greater P. Atk. than a regular one-handed sword when enchanted. When enchanted to 4 or higher, increases P. Atk. Critical Rate by 109. Inflicts more damage during PvP and has a chance to remove 1 or more of the target's enhanced status or decrease its Shield Defense during an attack. Can be equipped by Dagger Masters level 81 and higher.
No Soul Crystal option.

Тип Парні кинджали / Дворучний
Фіз. Атк. 304
Маг. Атк. 157
Витрата Зарядів Душі\ Духу 1 / 1
Вага 2150
Шанс Фіз. Крит. Атк. 12
Влучність -4
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Передача Викинути Особиста лавка
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