Unlock Unlock Рів 9

There is a 100% chance to open a level 2 door, a 75% chance to open a level 3 door, and 90% chance to open a level 52 treasure chest. Requires 8 Thief Keys.

Type Активне (атакуюче)
Споживає 94 MP , Thief Key Thief Key, 8 шт.
Час перезарядження 30 сек.
Можна використовувати на олімпіаді? Так
Трейт trait_none
Дальність застосування 40 (400)
Доступно для Харциз Рів 52, Мандрівник Вітрів Рів 52, Мандрівник Безодні Рів 52
Unlock Unlock Рів 1 There is a 30% chance to open a level 1 door and 90% chance to open a level 20 treasure chest. Requires 2 Thief Keys.
Unlock Unlock Рів 2 There is a 50% chance to open a level 1 door and 90% chance to open a level 24 treasure chest. Requires 2 Thief Keys.
Unlock Unlock Рів 3 There is a 75% chance to open a level 1 door and 90% chance to open a level 28 treasure chest. Requires 3 Thief Keys.
Unlock Unlock Рів 4 There is a 100% chance to open a level 1 door, a 5% chance to open a level 2 door, and 90% chance to open a level 32 treasure chest. Requires 3 Thief Keys.
Unlock Unlock Рів 5 There is a 100% chance to open a level 1 door, a 30% chance to open a level 2 door, and 90% chance to open a level 36 treasure chest. Requires 4 Thief Keys.
Unlock Unlock Рів 6 There is a 100% chance to open a level 1 door, a 75% chance to open a level 2 door, and 90% chance to open a level 40 treasure chest. Requires 5 Thief Keys.
Unlock Unlock Рів 7 There is a 100% chance to open a level 2 door, a 5% chance to open a level 3 door, and 90% chance to open a level 44 treasure chest. Requires 6 Thief Keys.
Unlock Unlock Рів 8 There is a 100% chance to open a level 2 door, a 30% chance to open a level 3 door, and 90% chance to open a level 48 treasure chest. Requires 7 Thief Keys.
Unlock Unlock Рів 9 [selected] There is a 100% chance to open a level 2 door, a 75% chance to open a level 3 door, and 90% chance to open a level 52 treasure chest. Requires 8 Thief Keys.
Unlock Unlock Рів 10 There is a 100% chance to open a door below level 3, and 90% chance to open a level 56 treasure chest. Requires 10 Thief Keys.
Unlock Unlock Рів 11 There is a 100% chance to open a door below level 3, and 90% chance to open a level 60 treasure chest. Requires 11 Thief Keys.
Unlock Unlock Рів 12 There is a 100% chance to open a door below level 3, and 90% chance to open a level 64 treasure chest. Requires 13 Thief Keys.
Unlock Unlock Рів 13 There is a 100% chance to open a door below level 3, and 90% chance to open a level 68 treasure chest. Requires 15 Thief Keys.
Unlock Unlock Рів 14 There is a 100% chance to open a door below level 3, and 90% chance to open alevel 72 treasure chest. Requires 17 Thief Keys.