Touch of Life Touch of Life Ур. 1

Sacrifices one's own HP to bestow a sacred blessing on another character, restoring lost HP. Also temporarily but significantly increases HP regeneration, resistance to buff-lifting attacks, debuff attacks and the effect of one's own HP regeneration magic.

Type Активное (усиливающее)
Потребляет 0 MP
Время перезарядки 1200 сек.
Время действия 120
Можно использовать на олимпиаде? Да
Трейт trait_holy
Дальность применения 40 (400)
Доступно для Рыцарь Феникса Ур. 78, Храмовник Евы Ур. 78
Touch of Life Touch of Life Ур. 1 [selected] Sacrifices one's own HP to bestow a sacred blessing on another character, restoring lost HP. Also temporarily but significantly increases HP regeneration, resistance to buff-lifting attacks, debuff attacks and the effect of one's own HP regeneration magic.