Death Howl Death Howl Рів 1

Deals magic damage to nearby enemies and knocks them down for 1 \u0441\u0435\u043a..

Abnormal State Type: Confusion (Fear / Aerial Yoke / Faint / Seduction / Stun / Paralysis / Knock Back / Knock Down)

Type Активное (посилююче)
Споживає 0 MP
Час перезарядження 15 сек.
Время действия 1
Можна використовувати на олімпіаді? Так
Трейт trait_shock
Death Howl Death Howl Рів 1 [selected] Deals magic damage to nearby enemies and knocks them down for 1 \u0441\u0435\u043a..

Abnormal State Type: Confusion (Fear / Aerial Yoke / Faint / Seduction / Stun / Paralysis / Knock Back / Knock Down)
Death Howl Death Howl Рів 2 Deals magic damage to nearby enemies and knocks them down for 1 \u0441\u0435\u043a..

Abnormal State Type: Confusion (Fear / Aerial Yoke / Faint / Seduction / Stun / Paralysis / Knock Back / Knock Down)
Death Howl Death Howl Рів 3 Deals magic damage to nearby enemies and knocks them down for 1 \u0441\u0435\u043a..

Abnormal State Type: Confusion (Fear / Aerial Yoke / Faint / Seduction / Stun / Paralysis / Knock Back / Knock Down)