Великий План Приручення Диких Звірів

The clan that can best tame the wild beasts can obtain a clan hall.

Стартовий NPC Angel Посланець (Messenger)
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Стартовий NPC
Angel Посланець (Messenger)
1: Collect the Crystals of Purity
Collect 10 Crystals of Purity as proof of your ability to train wild beasts. To acquire the crystals, make sure you stay close to the beasts after taming them. Any member of the same clan may train the now tamed beasts.

2: Obtain the Trainer Certification
You've collected all 10 Crystals of Purity the messenger asked for. Show them to the messenger.

3: Register for the Preliminary Contest
You have obtained Trainer Certification! Speak to the messenger to register for the Preliminary Contest.