Signs of Revolt

Torrant says that the Ragna Orcs are preparing to revolt and asks you to undermine their fighting power before the troops arrive.

Стартовий NPC Orc Torrant Beacon Tower Manager (Torrant)
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Рівень 40 ~ 51
Стартовий NPC
Orc Torrant Beacon Tower Manager (Torrant)
1: Collect Cursed Dolls
The Beacon Tower Manager Torrant asks you to snatch 180 Cursed Dolls--the medium that controls the evil creatures--to weaken the fighting power of the Ragna Orcs, who are planning a revolt.

Monsters to be hunted - Ragna Orcs, Ragna Orc Shaman, Ragna Orc Archer, Ragna Orc Warrior, Ragna Orc Mystic, Ragna Orc Healer, Ragna Orc Hero, Ragna Orc Commander, Ragna Orc Sniper, Ragna Orc Sorcerer, Dark Corpse, Guardian of the Ghost Town, Varangka's Succubus

2: Go to Torrant
You have snatched the Cursed Dolls Torrant asked for. Take them to him.