Рівень | 39 | Час відродження |
8h. ± 2h. |
HP | 304 049 | MP | 1 028 |
Фіз. Атк. | 684 | Маг. Атк. | 163 |
Фіз. Зах. | 591 | Маг. Зах | 634 |
Влучність | 90 | Ухилення | 90 |
Досвід | 586 015 | SP | 40 000 |
Атрибут атаки | No Attack Attribute | Атрибут захисту |
Fire, 20 Water, 20 Wind, 53 Earth, 20 Holy, 20 Unholy, 20 |
Предмет | Кількість | Шанс |
Шанс групи | ||
Chest with Life Stone NG | 1 | 50% |
1.000 CRP scroll NG | 1 | 25% |
5.000 CRP scroll NG | 1 | 2% |
Шанс групи | ||
Reinforced Mithril Boots C | 1 - 3 | 0.6042% |
Chain Boots C | 1 - 3 | 0.5779% |
Karmian Boots C | 1 - 3 | 0.5538% |
Plated Leather Boots C | 1 - 3 | 0.5317% |
Dwarven Chain Boots C | 1 - 3 | 0.5112% |
Boots of Seal C | 1 | 13.2923% |
Reinforced Mithril Gloves C | 1 | 13.2923% |
Chain Gloves C | 1 | 13.2923% |
Karmian Gloves C | 1 | 13.2923% |
Reinforced Mithril Boots Design NG | 12 - 36 | 1.3184% |
Chain Boots Part NG | 12 - 36 | 0.7673% |
Karmian Boots Fabric NG | 12 - 36 | 11.1554% |
Plate Leather Boots Lining NG | 12 - 36 | 8.2869% |
Dwarven Chain Boots Part NG | 12 - 36 | 6.4454% |
Boots of Seal Pattern NG | 12 - 36 | 5.1793% |
Reinforced Mithril Gloves Design NG | 12 - 36 | 4.2653% |
Chain Gloves Design NG | 12 - 36 | 3.5808% |