Жрець Єви

...скоро здесь будет описание!

Фізичні вміння
Spell Force
Spell Force Spell Force
Transfers your magical powers to a party member. The effect can be cancelled if you incur damage.
Heal Heal
Recovers HP. Power 49.
Cure Poison
Cure Poison Cure Poison
Cures poisoning up to Effect 3.
Recharge Recharge
Regenerates MP. Cannot be used on a class that has Recharge. Power 49.
Battle Heal
Battle Heal Battle Heal
Quickly recovers HP. Power 83.
Resurrection Resurrection
Resurrects a corpse.
Vitalize Vitalize
Recovers HP, cures poison, and stops bleeding with Effect 3 or less. Power 440.
Group Heal
Group Heal Group Heal
Recovers party member's HP. Power 66.
Might of Heaven
Might of Heaven Might of Heaven
Inflicts damage to undead monsters. Power 39.
Disrupt Undead
Disrupt Undead Disrupt Undead
Does damage to undead monsters. Power 19.
Return Return
Teleports caster to the nearest village. This skill cannot be used in a specially designated place such as the GM Consultation Service.
Wind Strike
Wind Strike Wind Strike
Blasts a target with violent winds. Power 12.
Self Heal
Self Heal Self Heal
Recover HP. Power 42.
Party Recall
Party Recall Party Recall
Teleports party members to a village. This skill cannot be used in a specially designated place such as the GM Consultation Service.
Serenade of Eva
Serenade of Eva Serenade of Eva
Calms surrounding enemies such that they lose their will to attack.
Common Craft
Common Craft Common Craft
Can read common recipe books.
Erase Erase
Your enemy's servitor is cast into another dimension. Consumes 3 Spirit Ore.
Mana Burn
Mana Burn Mana Burn
Your enemies' MP is reduced. Power 117.
Turn Undead
Turn Undead Turn Undead
The undead cower and flee as you reveal your divine nature. A Lethal Strike is possible. Consumes 3 Spirit Ore.
Major Heal
Major Heal Major Heal
Instantly regenerates the target's HP. Consumes 1 Spirit Ore. Power 690.
Mass Recharge
Mass Recharge Mass Recharge
Greatly regenerates MP of party members. Level 3 or higher Spell Force required. Consumes 1 Magic Symbol.
Магічні вміння
Resist Poison
Resist Poison Resist Poison
Temporarily increases resistance to poison. Effect 1.
Mental Shield
Mental Shield Mental Shield
Temporarily increases resistance to Hold, Sleep, Fear, and Mental attacks. Enchant Time: the skill duration is increased. Effect 1.
Shield Shield
Temporarily increases P. Def. Effect 1.
Holy Weapon
Holy Weapon Holy Weapon
A temporary holy enhancement of a physical attack. Can be used on one's party members.
Regeneration Regeneration
Temporarily increases HP recovery. Effect 1.
Might Might
Temporarily increases P. Atk. Effect 1.
Sleep Sleep
Instantly puts target to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect.
Kiss of Eva
Kiss of Eva Kiss of Eva
Temporarily increases lung capacity. Effect 1.
Concentration Concentration
Temporarily lowers the probability of magic being canceled due to damage taken taken. Effect 1.
Agility Agility
Temporarily increases Evasion. Effect 1.
Curse: Weakness
Curse: Weakness Curse: Weakness
Instantaneous curse that reduces target's P. Atk. Effect 1.
Ice Bolt
Ice Bolt Ice Bolt
Freezes an enemy, instantly reducing their speed. Effect 2. Power 8.
Dryad Root
Dryad Root Dryad Root
Instantly holds an enemy. The target cannot receive any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts.
Wind Walk
Wind Walk Wind Walk
Temporarily increases Speed. Effect 1.
Wind Shackle
Wind Shackle Wind Shackle
Spirit of the Wind attacks, reducing target's Atk. Spd. Effect 1.
Greater Heal
Greater Heal Greater Heal
Instantly restores lost HP and increases HP regeneration. Power 204. Effect 2.
Bless Shield
Bless Shield Bless Shield
Temporarily increases shield defense rate. Effect 1.
Decrease Weight
Decrease Weight Decrease Weight
Makes body lighter. Effect 1.
Resist Shock
Resist Shock Resist Shock
Temporarily increases resistance to stun attack. Effect 1.
Wild Magic
Wild Magic Wild Magic
Temporarily increases critical attack rate of magic attacks. Effect 1.
Advanced Block
Advanced Block Advanced Block
Temporarily increases shield defense power. Effect 1.
Divine Protection
Divine Protection Divine Protection
Temporarily increases resistance to dark/sacred attack. Effect 3.
Arcane Protection
Arcane Protection Arcane Protection
Temporarily increases resistance to buff cancel and de-buff attack. Effect 3.
Prophecy of Water
Prophecy of Water Prophecy of Water
The spirit of an ancient wizard temporarily possesses the user. Consumes 5 spirit ores.
Block Wind Walk
Block Wind Walk Block Wind Walk
Removes buffs that increase Speed from a targeted enemy. Temporarily decreases Speed and prevents enemy from receiving removed buffs that will increase Speed again.
Unholy Resistance
Unholy Resistance Unholy Resistance
Temporarily increases your target's resistance to dark attacks. Effect 1.
Trance Trance
Puts your target to sleep. The target may not be put to sleep again while the spell remains in effect.
Clarity Clarity
Temporarily decreases your target's MP consumption rate for skills. Consumes 1 Spirit Ore. Effect 1.
Invocation Invocation
Meditate to increase MP regeneration. Your body is immobilized and your P. Def. decreased while meditating. The effect is cancelled if you are attacked.
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