Horror Horror Ур. 11

Instills fear into an enemy causing it to flee.

Type Активное (усиливающее)
Потребляет 66 MP
Время перезарядки 30 сек.
Время действия 10
Можно использовать на олимпиаде? Да
Трейт trait_derangement
Дальность применения 600 (900)
Доступно для Мститель Ур. 70
Horror Horror Ур. 1 Makes enemy fearful and run away.
Horror Horror Ур. 2 Makes enemy fearful and run away.
Horror Horror Ур. 3 Instills fear into an enemy causing it to flee.
Horror Horror Ур. 4 Instills fear into an enemy causing it to flee.
Horror Horror Ур. 5 Instills fear into an enemy causing it to flee.
Horror Horror Ур. 6 Instills fear into an enemy causing it to flee.
Horror Horror Ур. 7 Instills fear into an enemy causing it to flee.
Horror Horror Ур. 8 Instills fear into an enemy causing it to flee.
Horror Horror Ур. 9 Instills fear into an enemy causing it to flee.
Horror Horror Ур. 10 Instills fear into an enemy causing it to flee.
Horror Horror Ур. 11 [selected] Instills fear into an enemy causing it to flee.
Horror Horror Ур. 12 Instills fear into an enemy causing it to flee.
Horror Horror Ур. 13 Instills fear into an enemy causing it to flee.