Quest Into the Flame (Passage to Valakas)

Into the Flame quest guide

Starting NPC Undead Klein Valakas Watchman
Level 60 ~ 85
Type Repeatable

Vacualite Floating Stone Vacualite Floating Stone NG

Stone needed to reach the entrance to the Hall of Flames. If you bring it and speak to Valakas' Watcher Klein, you will be permitted to go up to the entrance to the Hall of Flames.

Klein l2

1. Starting NPC Undead Klein Valakas Watchman is located inside the Forge of Gods.

Talk to Klein to begin the quest.

Beware of monsters on the way to Klein.

Hilda l2

2. Talk to Dwarf Hilda Blacksmith in Goddard blacksmith shop.

Kookaburra l2

3. In the area around Goddard find and kill the monsters:

Beast Kookaburra Lv. 67
Beast Bandersnatch Lv. 69
Animal Grendel Lv. 71

Until you get:

Vacualite Ore Vacualite Ore NG x 50

Item drop chance is not 100%.

Monsters have several different variations. Quest items drop from all monsters.

Hilda l2

4. Go back to Dwarf Hilda Blacksmith .

She will give you a Vacualite Vacualite NG .

Klein l2

5. Return to Undead Klein Valakas Watchman .

He will give you a Vacualite Floating Stone Vacualite Floating Stone NG .

Vacualite Floating Stone Vacualite Floating Stone NG can be purchased from Elemental Butler MW Premium Store .

Detailed information about goods and services is in the article Masterwork shop.

This article was prepared with the help of Masterwork player, Metalocalypse


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