Freya's Heart-pounding Shopping Bag Freya's Heart-pounding Shopping Bag Lv. 2

Double-click Freya's Heart-pounding Shopping Bag to obtain 1 Freya's Wind Scroll. There is also a chance to additionally obtain a Freya, Sirra, or Snowman Winter Card.

Type Active (attack)
Uses 0 MP , Freya's Heart-pounding Shopping Bag Freya's Heart-pounding Shopping Bag, 1 pcs
Cooldown Time 0 sec.
Can it be used at the Olympiad? Yes
Trait trait_none
Freya's Luxury Shopping Bag Freya's Luxury Shopping Bag Lv. 1 Double click the luxury shopping bag to obtain Freya's Frozen Scroll x1, Freya's Art of Seduction x1, Freya's Recovery Potion x1. In addition, there is the chance that you will obtain one of the following: Freya/Sirra/Snowman Gift Box, Freya's Vital Rune (30 minutes) Box, Freya's Recovery Potion.
Freya's Heart-pounding Shopping Bag Freya's Heart-pounding Shopping Bag Lv. 2 [selected] Double-click Freya's Heart-pounding Shopping Bag to obtain 1 Freya's Wind Scroll. There is also a chance to additionally obtain a Freya, Sirra, or Snowman Winter Card.
Freya's Fortune Stick Freya's Fortune Stick Lv. 3 Double-click Freya's Heart-pounding Shopping Bag to obtain 1 Freya's Wind Scroll. There is also a chance to additionally obtain a Freya, Sirra, or Snowman Winter Card.