Potential Ability Potential Ability Lv. 2

When equipped with a dagger or a dual dagger, increases Critical Rate by 30% and Critical Damage by 295. Requires a light armor to be equipped.

Type Passive
Available for Bounty Hunter Lv. 40
Potential Ability Potential Ability Lv. 1 When equipped with a dagger or a dual dagger, increases Critical Rate by 20% and Critical Damage by 177. Requires a light armor to be equipped.
Potential Ability Potential Ability Lv. 2 [selected] When equipped with a dagger or a dual dagger, increases Critical Rate by 30% and Critical Damage by 295. Requires a light armor to be equipped.
Potential Ability Potential Ability Lv. 3 When equipped with a dagger or a dual dagger, increases Critical Rate by 40% and Critical Damage by 384. Requires a light armor to be equipped.