Gather Ingredients for Pie

To make a special pie for this weekend's banquet, help Emily collect honey from bees.

Start NPC Human Emily
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Level 34 ~ 40
Start NPC
Human Emily
1: Collecting Honey Pouches
Mrs. Emily wants to bake a pie for the tea party at the temple this weekend. Collect honey from wasps in the Beehive area.

Monsters to be hunted - Wasp Leaders and Workers

2: Collection of Honey Pouches Completed
After much hard work, you've collected 100 pouches of honey. Deliver them to Mrs. Emily.

3: Fetch the Spices
Mrs. Emily asks you to get spices from Miss Lara for her. You wouldn't go to the trouble if she wasn't so pitiful.

4: Deliver the Spices
You've got the spices from Miss Lara. Now return to Mrs. Emily.

5: Fetch the Fruit Basket
Mrs. Emily asks you to get the fruit basket from Bright. You wouldn't help her if she wasn't so old and frail, would you?

6: Deliver the Fruit Basket
Bright tells you to deliver the fruit basket to Mrs. Emily. How can they expect a mercenary like you to deliver fruit to a hobbled old lady?