Seven Signs, Girl of Doubt

Priest Wood in the Einhasad Temple of Aden Castle is facing a new problem dealing with the seal of the Seven Signs, and he is seeking a hero who can help him.

Start NPC Human Wood Priest
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Level 80+
Прохождение Quest Seven Signs, Mysterious Girl
Start NPC
Human Wood Priest
1: Call of the Witness of Dawn
Seek the Witness of Dawn Franz and hear his story.

2: Girl of Doubt
Find the Dark Elf girl of Doubt as described by Franz. She is said to be in a tent located in the Beast Farm. Find the gruff-looking man guarding the tent and speak with him.

3: Test 1
Defeat the golems in Pavel Ruins and collect 10 Elcadia's Marks.

Monsters to be hunted - Cruel Pincer Golem, Horrifying Jackhammer Golem.

4: Test 1 Report
Speak with Elcadia and receive the next test.

5: Test 2
Before Elcadia's eyes, defeat all the enemies that she has prepared and prove my strength.

6: Test 2 Report
Speak with Elcadia and report the test result.

7: Meeting with Hardin
Go to Hardin's Academy and speak with Hardin.

8: Report to Elcadia
Return to Elcadia and report.