Undead Zaken Instance Boss 78 lv.
Level 78 Respawn Time No Respawn
HP 2 856 000 MP 1 505 160
P.Atk. 38 552 M.Atk. 46 549
P.Def. 1 677 M.Def. 1 928
Accuracy 137 Evasion 137
EXP 15 210 000 SP 1 821 000
Attack Attribute Unholy, 75 Defence Attribute

Fire, 50

Water, 50

Wind, 50

Earth, 50

Holy, 20

Unholy, 53

Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Arcana Mace Unidentified Arcana Mace S 1 0.05%
Unidentified Imperial Staff Unidentified Imperial Staff S 1 0.05%
Unidentified Basalt Battlehammer Unidentified Basalt Battlehammer S 1 0.05%
Unidentified Dragon Hunter Axe Unidentified Dragon Hunter Axe S 1 0.05%
Arcana Mace Head Arcana Mace Head NG 2 - 3 24.95%
Imperial Staff Head Imperial Staff Head NG 2 - 3 24.95%
Basalt Battlehammer Head Basalt Battlehammer Head NG 2 - 3 24.95%
Dragon Hunter Axe Blade Dragon Hunter Axe Blade NG 2 - 3 24.95%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Forgotten Blade Unidentified Forgotten Blade S 1 0.05%
Unidentified Demon Splinter Unidentified Demon Splinter S 1 0.05%
Unidentified Saint Spear Unidentified Saint Spear S 1 0.05%
Unidentified Heaven's Divider Unidentified Heaven's Divider S 1 0.05%
Unidentified Angel Slayer Unidentified Angel Slayer S 1 0.05%
Unidentified Draconic Bow Unidentified Draconic Bow S 1 0.05%
Forgotten Blade Edge Forgotten Blade Edge NG 2 - 3 16.62%
Demon Splinter Blade Demon Splinter Blade NG 2 - 3 16.62%
Saint Spear Blade Saint Spear Blade NG 2 - 3 16.62%
Heavens Divider Edge Heavens Divider Edge NG 2 - 3 16.62%
Angel Slayer Blade Angel Slayer Blade NG 2 - 3 16.61%
Draconic Bow Shaft Draconic Bow Shaft NG 2 - 3 16.61%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Barakiel's Axe Unidentified Barakiel's Axe A 1 0.2%
Unidentified Themis' Tongue Unidentified Themis' Tongue A 1 0.2%
Unidentified Sobekk's Hurricane Unidentified Sobekk's Hurricane A 1 0.2%
Unidentified Tiphon's Spear Unidentified Tiphon's Spear A 1 0.2%
Unidentified Sirra's Blade Unidentified Sirra's Blade A 1 0.2%
Barakiel's Axe Piece Barakiel's Axe Piece NG 2 - 5 19.8%
Themis' Tongue Piece Themis' Tongue Piece NG 2 - 5 19.8%
Sobekk's Hurricane Edge Sobekk's Hurricane Edge NG 2 - 5 19.8%
Tiphon's Spear Edge Tiphon's Spear Edge NG 2 - 5 19.8%
Sirra's Blade Edge Sirra's Blade Edge NG 2 - 5 19.8%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Naga Storm Unidentified Naga Storm A 1 0.2%
Unidentified Shyeed's Bow Unidentified Shyeed's Bow A 1 0.2%
Unidentified Daimon Crystal Unidentified Daimon Crystal A 1 0.2%
Unidentified Sword of Ipos Unidentified Sword of Ipos A 1 0.2%
Unidentified Behemoth's Tuning Fork Unidentified Behemoth's Tuning Fork A 1 0.2%
Naga Storm Piece Naga Storm Piece NG 2 - 5 19.8%
Shyeed's Bow Shaft Shyeed's Bow Shaft NG 2 - 5 19.8%
Daimon Crystal Fragment Daimon Crystal Fragment NG 2 - 5 19.8%
Sword of Ipos Blade Sword of Ipos Blade NG 2 - 5 19.8%
Behemoth's Tuning Fork Piece Behemoth's Tuning Fork Piece NG 2 - 5 19.8%
Group chance: 100%
Sealed Majestic Necklace Sealed Majestic Necklace A 1 2.77%
Sealed Majestic Earring Sealed Majestic Earring A 1 3.77%
Sealed Majestic Ring Sealed Majestic Ring A 1 4.77%
Sealed Majestic Necklace Beads Sealed Majestic Necklace Beads NG 3 - 6 28.56%
Sealed Majestic Earring Gemstone Sealed Majestic Earring Gemstone NG 4 - 7 29.56%
Sealed Majestic Ring Gemstone Sealed Majestic Ring Gemstone NG 5 - 8 30.57%
Group chance: 100%
Sealed Phoenix Necklace Sealed Phoenix Necklace A 1 2.77%
Sealed Phoenix Earring Sealed Phoenix Earring A 1 3.77%
Sealed Phoenix Ring Sealed Phoenix Ring A 1 4.77%
Sealed Phoenix Necklace Beads Sealed Phoenix Necklace Beads NG 3 - 6 28.56%
Sealed Phoenix Earring Gemstone Sealed Phoenix Earring Gemstone NG 4 - 7 29.56%
Sealed Phoenix Ring Gemstone Sealed Phoenix Ring Gemstone NG 5 - 8 30.57%
Group chance: 10%
Pirate King Hat Pirate King Hat NG 1 100%
Group chance: 5%
Ancient Book: Divine Inspiration (Manuscript) Ancient Book: Divine Inspiration (Manuscript) NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.15%
MasterWork Crystal: B-grade MasterWork Crystal: B-grade NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.12%
MasterWork Crystal: A-grade MasterWork Crystal: A-grade NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.1%
MasterWork Crystal: S-grade MasterWork Crystal: S-grade S/ Dynasty NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.07%
MasterWork Crystal: S80-grade MasterWork Crystal: S80-grade Moirai NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.1%
Transform Sealbook: Zaken Transform Sealbook: Zaken NG 1 100%
Group chance: 100%
Fire Stone Fire Stone NG 1 33.34%
Earth Stone Earth Stone NG 1 33.33%
Dark Stone Dark Stone NG 1 33.33%
Group chance: 100%
Fire Stone Fire Stone NG 1 33.34%
Earth Stone Earth Stone NG 1 33.33%
Dark Stone Dark Stone NG 1 33.33%
Group chance: 50%
Fire Stone Fire Stone NG 1 33.34%
Earth Stone Earth Stone NG 1 33.33%
Dark Stone Dark Stone NG 1 33.33%
Group chance: 73.0373%
Zaken's Earring Zaken's Earring A 1 0.2%
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 5 80%
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