Demonic Goddess Сrucifier Furious
Level 85
HP 150 000 MP 1 830
P.Atk. 35 078 M.Atk. 27 254
P.Def. 1 173 M.Def. 1 592
Accuracy 140 Evasion 140
EXP 1 124 998 SP 112 500
Attack Attribute Unholy, 350 Defence Attribute

Fire, 220

Water, 220

Wind, 220

Earth, 220

Holy, 220

Unholy, 220

Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 15.5%
Leonard Leonard NG 1 - 2 30.15%
Adamantine Adamantine NG 1 28.35%
Orichalcum Orichalcum NG 1 41.5%
Group chance: 73.0373%
Grace of the Goddess Grace of the Goddess NG 1 35%
Demons Demons