Construct Treasure Chest
Level 57 Respawn Time 1m.
HP 2 806 MP 1 168
P.Atk. 781 M.Atk. 447
P.Def. 358 M.Def. 291
Accuracy 90 Evasion 90
EXP 3 898 SP 324
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 20

Water, 20

Wind, 53

Earth, 20

Holy, 20

Unholy, 20

Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 70%
Adena Adena NG 519 - 1060 100%
Group chance: 0.9992%
Zubei's Gauntlets Part Zubei's Gauntlets Part NG 1 24.8099%
Avadon Boots Design Avadon Boots Design NG 1 24.8099%
Zubei's Boots Design Zubei's Boots Design NG 1 24.8099%
Avadon Gloves Part Avadon Gloves Part NG 1 24.8099%
Avadon Gloves Avadon Gloves B 1 0.1901%
Zubei's Gauntlets Zubei's Gauntlets B 1 0.1901%
Avadon Boots Avadon Boots B 1 0.1901%
Zubei's Boots Zubei's Boots B 1 0.1901%
Group chance: 11.4943%
High Grade Suede High Grade Suede NG 1 4.6056%
Charcoal Charcoal NG 1 55.2629%
Mold Hardener Mold Hardener NG 1 0.4811%
Suede Suede NG 1 36.8413%
Recipe: Earrings of Black Ore Recipe: Earrings of Black Ore NG 1 0.5985%
Metal Hardener Metal Hardener NG 1 2.2106%
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