Construct Evil Eye Seer
Level 18 Respawn Time 15s.
HP 476 MP 214
P.Atk. 52 M.Atk. 31
P.Def. 82 M.Def. 76
Accuracy 51 Evasion 51
EXP 646 SP 28
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 20

Water, 20

Wind, 53

Earth, 20

Holy, 20

Unholy, 20

Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 12.5077%
Silver Nugget Silver Nugget NG 1 16.1077%
Item Amount Chance
Haste Potion Haste Potion NG 1 4.2627%
Thread Thread NG 1 51.1527%
Necklace of Wisdom Chain Necklace of Wisdom Chain NG 1 6.0896%
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