Bug King of the Araneid
Level 27 Respawn Time 32s.
HP 814 MP 353
P.Atk. 111 M.Atk. 55
P.Def. 121 M.Def. 114
Accuracy 60 Evasion 60
EXP 726 SP 37
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 20

Water, 20

Wind, 53

Earth, 20

Holy, 20

Unholy, 20

Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 2.0098%
Coarse Bone Powder Coarse Bone Powder NG 1 15.5836%
Leather Leather NG 1 25.9731%
Recipe: Dark Stockings Recipe: Dark Stockings NG 1 18.7032%
Item Amount Chance
Suede Suede NG 1 16.7397%
Necklace of Devotion Chain Necklace of Devotion Chain NG 1 3.9234%
Bone Helmet Design Bone Helmet Design NG 1 3.9856%
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