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Physical skills
Power Strike
Power Strike Power Strike
Delivers a powerful blow that strikes the target with 30 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Over-hit is possible.
Iron Punch
Iron Punch Iron Punch
Attacks the enemy with 34 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Over-hit is possible.
Bandage Bandage
Cures minor bleeding.
Whirlwind Whirlwind
Swings a spear to attack nearby enemies with 554 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a polearm to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and Critical hit are possible.
Stun Attack
Stun Attack Stun Attack
Supplements the user's P. Atk. with 36 Power to stun the enemy for 9 seconds. Requires a blunt weapon. Over-hit is possible.
Fatal Strike
Fatal Strike Fatal Strike
Attacks the enemy with 738 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Over-hit and Critical hit are possible. Ignores Shield Defense.
Wild Sweep
Wild Sweep Wild Sweep
Attacks multiple enemies simultaneously with 108 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a polearm. Over-hit is possible.
Power Smash
Power Smash Power Smash
Supplements the user's P. Atk. with 90 Power to inflict a powerful blow. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Over-hit is possible.
Hammer Crush
Hammer Crush Hammer Crush
Attacks the enemy with 487 Power added to P. Atk. and inflicts Shock for 9 seconds. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible.
Crush of Doom
Crush of Doom Crush of Doom
Attacks the target with 4558 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a two-handed sword/two-handed blunt weapon to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible.
Wrath Wrath
A powerful spear thrust weakens nearby enemies' CP by 7%. Requires a polearm.
Earthquake Earthquake
Supplements the user's P. Atk. with 4848 Power in an Earth-shattering spear thrust. Requires a polearm. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Ignores Shield Defense. Target may be canceled.
Braveheart Braveheart
Increases combat spirit to recover CP by 1000.
Symbol of Resistance
Symbol of Resistance Symbol of Resistance
Creates a seal that maximizes Resistance to altered state abilities of nearby allies. The seal's effect disappears upon leaving the area. Consumes 1 Battle Symbol.
Rush Rush
Charges toward the enemy. Cannot be used when a bow/crossbow is equipped.
Rush Impact
Rush Impact Rush Impact
Rushes forward to attack the enemies in front with 4224 Power added to P. Atk. and inflicts Shock for 9 seconds. Cannot be used when a bow/crossbow is equipped.
Reinforcement skills
Rage Rage
Increases the user's P. Atk. by 20% for 1 minute 30 seconds. When equipped with a sword, blunt weapon or spear, it additionally increases P. Atk. by 21%. When equipped with a two-handed sword or blunt weapon, it additionally increases Accuracy by 2 and P. Atk. by 7%. Decreases Evasion by 3 and P. Def. by 20%.
Battle Roar
Battle Roar Battle Roar
Regenerates 10% of the user's original HP and increases the user's Max HP by 10% for 10 minutes.
Guts Guts
Increases P. Def. by 100% for 1 minute 30 seconds. Available when HP is 30% or lower.
Frenzy Frenzy
Increases P. Atk. by 10% for 1 minute 30 seconds. Additionally increases P. Atk. by 20% when using a sword/blunt weapon. Increases Accuracy by 2 and P. Atk. by 5% when using a two-handed sword/blunt weapon. Available when HP is 60% or lower.
Lionheart Lionheart
Increases Resistance to Paralysis, Hold, Sleep, Stun and buff-canceling attacks by 40% for 1 minute.
Zealot Zealot
Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute, increasing Resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, Resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 10, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword, blunt weapon or spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 10%, Critical Rate by 33 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 33% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower.
Dark Form
Dark Form Dark Form
For 5 minutes, increases the user's Fire P. Atk. by 10 and Resistance to Fire by 3.
Over the Body
Over the Body Over the Body
Expends spirit points so that for 60 seconds, Increases Max HP by 35%, HP Recovery Bonus by 15%, P. Atk. by 25%, P. Def. by 30%, Atk. Spd. 10%, and Speed by 10%. Can be used when CP is more than 80%.
Weaken skills
Item skills
Toggle skills
Equipment skills
Ability skills
Occupation skills
Add. skills