Wedding March

Melody Maestro Kantabilon has found the musical score for a wedding march and asks you to get a special echo crystal to contain the song.

Стартовый NPC Dwarf Kantabilon Melody Maestro (Kantabilon)
Посмотреть карту
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Уровень 38 ~ 43
Стартовый NPC
Dwarf Kantabilon Melody Maestro (Kantabilon)
1: Silver Crystals
Melody Maestro Kantabilon asks that you bring him some Silver Crystals for him to store his new song in. Hunt Lienriks in the Field of Silence and collect 50 Silver Crystals.

Monsters to Hunt -Lienriks, Lienrik Lads

2: Return to Kantabilon
You've collected 50 Silver Crystals. Return to Kantabilon.