Watch What You Eat

There are many strange plants on the Plains of Lizardmen which I have not seen any place else. What are they?

Стартовий NPC Orc Sally Investigator (Sally)
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Рівень 82 ~ 85
Adena Adena NG x135661
Exp Exp NG x698334
SP SP NG x76369
Прохождение Квест Подумайте, Прежде Чем Съесть! 82+
Стартовий NPC
Orc Sally Investigator (Sally)
1: Plants in the Plains of Lizardmen
Go to the Plains of Lizardmen and take the Spores of Fantasy Mushrooms and Sticky Mushroom and the leaves of Energy Plant.

Monsters to be hunted - Fantasy Mushrooms, Sticky Mushrooms, and Energy Plant

2: Master Horticulturist
Spores of Fantasy Mushrooms and Sticky Mushrooms and the leaves of Energy Plant are all gathered. Take them to the investigation member Sally.