Skills: Mana Recharge


In Lineage II, the Elven Elder, Shillien Elder, and some pets can restore the mana of other characters at their own expense. To do this, they use the skill Recharge Recharge Lv. 1 .

Also, some skills in the game increase the efficiency of mana restoration. These include:

Recharge mechanics

The skill Recharge Recharge Lv. 1 restores the target's mana points. The amount of restored mana depends on:

  • Skill level
  • The target's skills and effects that increase the recovery effectiveness
  • Differences between the caster's and target's level

The skill cannot be used on a character with the Recharge skill. Exception: Pets can restore mana to a character with the Recharge skill.

Pay attention!

For the Recharge Recharge Lv. 1 skill, there is a limit on the maximum amount of restored mana — 170% of the skill's power.

Penalty for level difference

If the skill magic level is lower than the target's level by 6 or more, mana restores with a penalty — the amount of mana received is reduced by 10% for each level of difference.

You can see the magic level in the skill description. The magic level increases when you improve (enchant) the skill.

magic skill level l2
  • Enchant +1...+3 — skill magic level 76
  • Enchant +4...+6 — skill magic level 77
  • Enchant +7...+9 — skill magic level 78
  • Enchant +10...+12 — skill magic level 79
  • Enchant +13...+15 — skill magic level 80
  • Enchant +16...+18 — skill magic level 81
  • Enchant +19...+21 — skill magic level 82
  • Enchant +22...+24 — skill magic level 83
  • Enchant +25...+27 — skill magic level 84
  • Enchant +28...+30 — skill magic level 85

Skill enchant

The last skill level is learned at level 74. After the character receives the 3rd profession, the skill becomes available for improvement (enchanting).

Mana Gain Skill Mechanics

Mana Gain Mana Gain Lv. 1 increases the amount of mana the character will receive from recharge skills.

Due to the limitation on the maximum amount of mana restored, the skill's effectiveness varies depending on the target's class. To illustrate this, let's consider an example.

The party comprises level 66 characters: Spellsinger, Bladedancer, Prophet, Bishop and Shillien Elder.

  • Shillien Elder casts the skill Mana Gain Mana Gain Lv. 1 on all party members, power +25
  • Shillien Elder uses Recharge Recharge Lv. 24 , power 122.
    • Maximum possible mana restored — 122 * 1,7 = 207
Class Imposed buffs Mana received
Higher Mana Gain Higher Mana Gain Lv. 23 , +75 mana on recharge
Mana Gain Mana Gain Lv. 1 , +25 mana on recharge
122+75+25 = 222, which is over the limit
The character will receive 207 mana
Higher Mana Gain Higher Mana Gain Lv. 11 , +48 mana on recharge
Mana Gain Mana Gain Lv. 1 , +25 mana on recharge
122+48+25 = 195 mana
Higher Mana Gain Higher Mana Gain Lv. 11 , +48 mana on recharge
Mana Gain Mana Gain Lv. 1 , +25 mana on recharge
122+48+25 = 195 mana
Bishop Mana Gain Mana Gain Lv. 1 , +25 mana on recharge 122+25 = 147 mana

Enchanting skill

The last skill level is learned at level 79, after which the skill becomes available for improvement (enchanting).


In the original game, only the Kookaburra pet, which evolved at level 55, can restore mana.

On MasterWork servers, all "baby" pets that evolved at level 55 can restore mana - Kookaburra, Cougar, Buffalo.

All Improved Pets restore mana equally. The Mana Regeneration skill appears at level 55 and improves every 5 levels. Mana Regeneration is applied automatically when the owner's mana is less than 80%. The skill is used even in peace mode.

The amount of mana restored depends on the pet's level:

  • On level 55 — 138 MP
  • On level 60 — 144 MP
  • On level 65 — 149 MP
  • On level 70 — 153 MP
  • On level 75 — 155 MP
  • On level 80 — 155 MP
  • On level 85 — 155 MP

Pay attention!

If the level difference between the master and the pet exceeds 15, the skill incurs a penalty, resulting in reduced mana restoration.

If the level difference between the master and the pet exceeds 24, the skill will no longer restore mana.

Mana Overflow

The Elven Elder and Shillien Elder classes can actively restore their mana through pets. This requires an Improved Pet and the skill Mana Gain Mana Gain Lv. 1 .

Use the Mana Gain skill on your pet to restore its mana. Although you must spend mana to replenish your pet's mana, the amount of mana you receive in return exceeds what you spent. This advantage comes from the difference between the mana consumed and the mana restored.

For example, let's consider a situation where a level 75 Shillien Elder restores mana to a level 75 pet:

  • Shillien Elder uses Mana Gain Mana Gain Lv. 3 on pet
  • Shillien Elder costs 136 mana to restore
  • Pet gains 136 (from Recharge) + 85 (from Mana Gain) = 221 mana
  • The pet spends 155 mana to restore

For 10 recharges Shillien Elder will spend 1360 mana, the pet will receive 2210 mana. For the received mana, the pet can restore the owner's mana ~14 times. In this way, the pet "stores" mana.

If you don't forget to restore your pet's mana during the game, then the overall "volume" of Shillien/Elven Elder mana increases significantly, increasing the effectiveness of these classes.

For more information about pets, read the article Pets: Kookaburra, Cougar, Buffalo.

BasicsRecharge mechanicsPenalty for level differenceSkill enchantMana Gain Skill MechanicsEnchanting skillPetsMana Overflow