Undead Foundry Mystic
Level 86 Respawn Time 1m. 20s.
HP 87 880 MP 2 296
P.Atk. 19 641 M.Atk. 12 833
P.Def. 1 031 M.Def. 1 371
Accuracy 143 Evasion 143
EXP 291 223 SP 30 353
Attack Attribute Unholy, 150 Defence Attribute

Fire, 150

Water, 150

Wind, 150

Earth, 150

Holy, 110

Unholy, 150

Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 2.9277%
Dragon Grinder Dragon Grinder A 1 0.3503%
Group chance: 41.8027%
Recipe: Shining Arrow (100%) Recipe: Shining Arrow (100%) NG 1 0.7269%
Adamantine Adamantine NG 1 3.1606%
Orichalcum Orichalcum NG 1 3.8259%
Leonard Leonard NG 1 5.7014%
Divine Stone Divine Stone NG 1 5.8155%
Cokes Cokes NG 3 - 9 20.1924%
Group chance: 100%
Ancient Tome of the Demon Ancient Tome of the Demon NG 2 - 6 55.39%
Group chance: 41.8027%
High Grade Suede High Grade Suede NG 1 60.5773%
Group chance: 2.9277%
Dragon Grinder Edge Dragon Grinder Edge NG 1 99.6497%
Group chance: 70%
Adena Adena NG 25304 - 50678 100%
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