Release Agathion's Seal - Capricorn Release Agathion's Seal - Capricorn Рів 3

The Agathion - Capricorn Seal is released.

Type Активне (атакуюче)
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Час перезарядження 0 сек.
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Трейт trait_none
Release Agathion's Seal - Capricorn Release Agathion's Seal - Capricorn Рів 1 The Agathion - Capricorn Seal is released.
Release Agathion's Seal - Capricorn Release Agathion's Seal - Capricorn Рів 2 The Agathion - Capricorn Seal is released.
Release Agathion's Seal - Capricorn Release Agathion's Seal - Capricorn Рів 3 [selected] The Agathion - Capricorn Seal is released.