Безжалісне Карання

The exiled traitor Baranka schemes to overthrow the kingdom of the Orcs! Reveal his wicked plot and destroy him! Dejakar Oroka!

Стартовий NPC Orc Хатос Вождь Уруту (Hatos)
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Рівень 12 ~ 16
Стартовий NPC
Orc Хатос Вождь Уруту (Hatos)
1: Stop Baranka's Conspiracy!
Baranka, Shaman of Darkness, is scheming to destroy the kingdom of the Orcs. Urutu Chief Hatos has learned of his plot, and has ordered the elimination of all of Baranka's followers. Kill them all! Centurion Parugon will tell you where to find them.

2: Catch Baranka's Messenger!
Baranka's messengers and escorts are advancing from the far eastern Immortal Plateau to the Raider's Crossroads! Kill them all!

3: Discovery of the secret letter!
You have recovered a secret letter from Baranka's messenger. Take it to Urutu Chief Hatos.

4: Are there more secret letters?
Baranka must have sent more than one secret letter! Find Baranka's messengers and try to find other secret letters!

Monsters to Hunt - Baranka's messengers.

5: A second secret letter discovered!
You've found another secret letter! Take it to Urutu Chief Hatos.

6: Further intrigues!
This can't be the end! Search harder!

Monsters to Hunt - Baranka's messengers.

7: Discovery of the third secret letter!
You've found another secret letter! Take it to Urutu Chief Hatos.