85 level Raid Boss 85 level Raid Boss Lv. 1

A Knight of Purgatory who has long assisted Antharas, together with the Black Dagger Wing. During the war against the gods, it broke both arms and fell into a deep slumber within Purgatory. It recently awakened at Antharas's call. When the Dragon Beast appeared above ground, Antharas sliced off his own flesh in order to create its two arms. Then, he made it guard the dragon's dungeon.

Type Passive
85 level Raid Boss 85 level Raid Boss Lv. 1 [selected] A Knight of Purgatory who has long assisted Antharas, together with the Black Dagger Wing. During the war against the gods, it broke both arms and fell into a deep slumber within Purgatory. It recently awakened at Antharas's call. When the Dragon Beast appeared above ground, Antharas sliced off his own flesh in order to create its two arms. Then, he made it guard the dragon's dungeon.