Attack Storm Attack Storm Lv. 1

Unleash a magical attack on distant enemies. Requires Level 3 Momentum charge. Power 625..

Type Active (attack)
Uses 122 MP
Cooldown Time 15 sec.
Can it be used at the Olympiad? Yes
Trait trait_none
Range of use 500 (1000)
Attack Storm Attack Storm Lv. 1 [selected] Unleash a magical attack on distant enemies. Requires Level 3 Momentum charge. Power 625..
Attack Storm Attack Storm Lv. 2 Unleash a magical attack on distant enemies. Requires Level 3 Momentum charge. Power 703..
Attack Storm Attack Storm Lv. 3 Unleash a magical attack on distant enemies. Requires Level 3 Momentum charge. Power 784..
Attack Storm Attack Storm Lv. 4 Unleash a magical attack on distant enemies. Requires Level 3 Momentum charge. Power 867..