Hot Springs Flu Hot Springs Flu Lv. 3

Infected with Hot Springs Flu. While afflicted, Atk. Spd. increases and P. Atk. decreases temporarily. Effect 3..

Type Active (buff)
Uses 124 MP
Cooldown Time 0 sec.
Время действия 600
Can it be used at the Olympiad? Yes
Trait trait_none
Range of use 600 (1100)
Hot Springs Flu Hot Springs Flu Lv. 1 Infected with Hot Springs Flu. While afflicted, Atk. Spd. increases temporarily. Effect 1..
Hot Springs Flu Hot Springs Flu Lv. 2 Infected with Hot Springs Flu. While afflicted, Atk. Spd. increases and P. Atk. decreases temporarily. Effect 2..
Hot Springs Flu Hot Springs Flu Lv. 3 [selected] Infected with Hot Springs Flu. While afflicted, Atk. Spd. increases and P. Atk. decreases temporarily. Effect 3..
Hot Springs Flu Hot Springs Flu Lv. 4 Infected with Hot Springs Flu. While afflicted, Atk. Spd. increases and P. Atk. decreases temporarily. Effect 4..
Hot Springs Flu Hot Springs Flu Lv. 5 Infected with Hot Springs Flu. While afflicted, Atk. Spd. increases and P. Atk. decreases temporarily. Effect 5..
Hot Springs Flu Hot Springs Flu Lv. 6 Infected with Hot Springs Flu. While afflicted, Atk. Spd. increases and P. Atk. decreases temporarily. Effect 6..
Hot Springs Flu Hot Springs Flu Lv. 7 Infected with Hot Springs Flu. While afflicted, Atk. Spd. increases and P. Atk. decreases temporarily. Effect 7..
Hot Springs Flu Hot Springs Flu Lv. 8 Infected with Hot Springs Flu. While afflicted, Atk. Spd. increases and P. Atk. decreases temporarily. Effect 8..
Hot Springs Flu Hot Springs Flu Lv. 9 Infected with Hot Springs Flu. While afflicted, Atk. Spd. increases and P. Atk. decreases temporarily. Effect 9..
Hot Springs Flu Hot Springs Flu Lv. 10 Infected with Hot Springs Flu. While afflicted, Atk. Spd. increases and P. Atk. decreases temporarily. Effect 10..