Royal Sacrifice Royal Sacrifice Lv. 1

You increases Physical and Magical Defence of your target (party member) by 30% while transferring 90% of incoming damage on yourself.
Duration: 8 sec.
Fixed cooldown: 60 sec.

Type Active (buff)
Uses 40 MP
Cooldown Time 60 sec.
Время действия 8
Can it be used at the Olympiad? Yes
Attribute No Attribute
Trait {trait_none}
Range of use 600 (900)
Available for Paladin Lv. 49, Dark Avenger Lv. 49, Temple Knight Lv. 49, Shillien Knight Lv. 49
Royal Sacrifice Royal Sacrifice Lv. 1 [selected] You increases Physical and Magical Defence of your target (party member) by 30% while transferring 90% of incoming damage on yourself.
Duration: 8 sec.
Fixed cooldown: 60 sec.