Enlightenment Enlightenment Lv. 1

User receives mystical enlightenment for 20 seconds, increasing M. Atk. by 10%, Heal by 40%, Casting Spd. by 50% and M. Skill Critical Rate by 50%, and decreasing MP Consumption by 90%. Skill Cooldown time is fixed.

Type Active (buff)
Uses 131 MP
Cooldown Time 600 sec.
Время действия 20
Can it be used at the Olympiad? Yes
Trait trait_none
Enlightenment Enlightenment Lv. 1 [selected] User receives mystical enlightenment for 20 seconds, increasing M. Atk. by 10%, Heal by 40%, Casting Spd. by 50% and M. Skill Critical Rate by 50%, and decreasing MP Consumption by 90%. Skill Cooldown time is fixed.