Heal Heal Lv. 15

Restores the target's HP with 245 Power.

Type Active (attack)
Uses 79 MP
Cooldown Time 3 sec.
Can it be used at the Olympiad? Yes
Trait trait_none
Range of use 600 (1100)
Heal Heal Lv. 1 Restores the target's HP with 50 Power.
Heal Heal Lv. 2 Restores the target's HP with 58 Power.
Heal Heal Lv. 3 Restores the target's HP with 67 Power.
Heal Heal Lv. 4 Restores the target's HP with 83 Power.
Heal Heal Lv. 5 Restores the target's HP with 95 Power.
Heal Heal Lv. 6 Restores the target's HP with 107 Power.
Heal Heal Lv. 7 Restores the target's HP with 121 Power.
Heal Heal Lv. 8 Restores the target's HP with 135 Power.
Heal Heal Lv. 9 Restores the target's HP with 151 Power.
Heal Heal Lv. 10 Restores the target's HP with 176 Power.
Heal Heal Lv. 11 Restores the target's HP with 185 Power.
Heal Heal Lv. 12 Restores the target's HP with 195 Power.
Heal Heal Lv. 13 Restores the target's HP with 224 Power.
Heal Heal Lv. 14 Restores the target's HP with 234 Power.
Heal Heal Lv. 15 [selected] Restores the target's HP with 245 Power.
Heal Heal Lv. 16 Restores the target's HP with 278 Power.
Heal Heal Lv. 17 Restores the target's HP with 289 Power.
Heal Heal Lv. 18 Restores the target's HP with 301 Power.