Perfect Eternal Tunic {PvP} Perfect Eternal Tunic {PvP} Defense – Set 7

CON +2, MEN +1, WIT +2

Max MP +750, Casting Spd. +15%, M. Atk. +10%, M. Crit. Damage +10%, Speed +7, Healing Efficiency +10%, Healing Power +100, MP Recovery Rate +25%, Consumption MP for Magic skills -10%, Resistance to Debuff 30%, Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Holy/ Dark Resistance +25, Mana Burn Resistance +15%, Disarm Resistance +50%, Turn Stone/ Shock Resistance +50%, Defence in PvP +10%, When damaged by character, there is a chance 2% inflicts an effect on the self - P. Crit. Rate Resist -15%, P. Crit. Damage Resist -15%.