Help the Sister!

While preparing to retire to the country, Cooper got a letter from his sister in which she told him that she intended to become an Adventurer! Cooper wants to buy her a dagger.

Start NPC Human Cooper Pet Manager
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Level 26 ~ 85
Прохождение Quest Help the Sister
Start NPC
Human Cooper Pet Manager
1: A Crafted Dagger
Pet Manager Cooper asks you to get him a crafted dagger.

2: Hunting in the Execution Grounds
Worried about his younger sister's trip, Cooper asks you to hunt specters and sorrow maidens on the Execution Grounds. Kill 30 of them!

Monsters to be hunted - Specters, Sorrow Maidens

3: Return to Cooper
You've hunted monsters on the Execution Grounds and obtained a piece of a strange map. Return to Pet Manager Cooper.

4: Map for Galladucci
The thing that monsters in the Execution Grounds had looks like the map that should have been delivered to Galladucci. Visit Galladucci at his shop.

5: Return to Cooper
Trader Galladucci asks you to tell Cooper that he will buy him a big dinner around the Period of Tera. Return to Pet Manager Cooper.