Hiding Behind the Truth

The conspiracy has been exposed. What would have been a complete tragedy was only saved by the fact that she survived because of the experiment.

Start NPC Human Benedict Priest
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Level 66 ~ 85
Exp Exp NG x572277
SP SP NG x53750
Start NPC
Human Benedict Priest
1: Put On a Poker Face
The Priest of Rune Castle has nothing to say.

2: Lost Doll
You lost the suspicious doll? Could you have lost it in Forest of the Dead?!

3: To the Rune Township Temple
You received the totem from the Mysterious Wizard again. Return to Priest Benedict and tell him what's on your mind!

4: Take Me to the Leader
Benedict says that the highest-ranking person in the temple is High Priest Agripel. He tells you to talk to him.

5: To the Dark Mage
High Priest Agripel has nothing else to say and orders you to return to the man who sent you here before he gives you the key.

6: Key to the Gem
One of the bookshelves discarded in this forest has a lock that matches the key. Find it.

7: The Suspicious Enemy Attacks
Suddenly, a strange enemy shows up and attacks you. Fight it.

8: Investigation of the Bookshelf
You've defeated the mysterious devil. Search the bookshelves again.

9: A Scrap of Truth
A sheet of paper was inside the jewelry box. Go to the girl who recorded everything and ask her about it. If it remains unclear, seek help from the Mysterious Wizard.

10: The Omniscient One
The girl who recorded everything is the one who knows Nidrah's true name! What could it be?

11: Lost Red Dress
Lidia's maid said that she must find the dress that Rose was wearing before she fainted! Where could it be? Where is Rose buried?

12: What's in the Coffin?
When you dig under the tombstone, you find a coffin. Open it!

13: To My Dear, Injured Lady
You've got the red dress. Return to Lidia's maid.

14: Lost in Memories
Lidia's maid asks you to leave her alone for a while. Return to her later.

15: A Shocking Confession
Lidia's maid revealed a shocking fact and told you to speak with Hardin if you wanted the details.

16: Triol's Conspiracy
Hardin tells you what happened to Lidia, and says you should speak with High Priest Agripel in the temple if you're still angry.

17: The Benandanti Cartel
The conspiracy of the Benandanti cartel is just beginning. Say goodbye to Lidia.

18: The Benandanti Cartel
The conspiracy of the Benandanti cartel is just beginning. Meet Hardin and ask him what to do about them.