Success/Failure of Business

The development chief at the Field of Silence, Dr. Helvetica is looking for trusted adventurer. They say you can earn his trust by taking care of a simple problem...

Start NPC Dwarf Dr. Helvetica
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Level 82 ~ 85
Exp Exp NG x1319736
SP SP NG x103553
Adena Adena NG x283346
Прохождение Quest Success/Failure of Business
Start NPC
Dwarf Dr. Helvetica
1: Mission to destroy the Brazier of Purity
Dr. Helvetica at the Field of Silence tries to develop the surrounding fields in Innadril. Destroy the symbol of Ritual of Purging Site, the Brazier of Purity, which is an obstacle to his business.

Destroy target - Brazier of Purity

2: Go back to Dr. Helvetica
You have completed the mission of destroying 10 Torches of Brazier of Purity. Return and report this to Dr. Helvetica of the Field of Silence.

3: Vanguard Captain of the Development Business
You have completed the first mission for Dr. Helvetica. But you still have not earned his trust. Roaming around the Ritual or Purge Site and destroy the Guardian Waterspirit and Evil Spirits in Magic Force within the site hindering the development work so you can get his trust.

Monsters to be hunted - Guardian Waterspirit and Evil Spirits in Magic Force.

4: Go back to Dr. Helvetica again
Successfully destroyed 20 of the Guardian Waterspirit and Evil Spirits in Magic Force. Return and report this to Dr. Helvetica of the Field of Silence.