Contract Execution

Lorain needs help decrypting the code on the metal plate. (Reward penalty applied if you are 6 or more levels higher than the quest level).

Start NPC Dwarf Lorain Researcher
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Level 41+
Прохождение Quest Contract Execution
Start NPC
Dwarf Lorain Researcher
1: Decoding the Metal Plate
Lorain needs Nikola's help to decode the metal plate. Speak with Nikola about the metal plate.

2: Present for Luka
Nickola recommends a Dwarf who can help decode the metal plate, but you'll need to purchase his assistance with a gift. Collect the accessories worn by Leto Lizardman, and bring them to Luka in Oren Castle.

Monsters to Hunt - Leto Lizardmen, Leto Lizardman Archers, Leto Lizardman Soldiers, Leto Lizardman Warriors, Leto Lizardman Shaman, Leto Lizardman Overlords