Bird in a Cage

Infiltrate the Crystal Oracle, where the Sea Dragon's Witch has been imprisoned, and rescue her.

Start NPC Elf Kanis
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Level 78 ~ 85
Exp Exp NG x250677
SP SP NG x25019
Start NPC
Elf Kanis
1: The Crystal Oracle
Priest Kanis of the Crystal Oracle needs help to find the missing Witch of the Water Dragon. Go talk to him so you can hear the details.

2: Bird in a Cage
You have learned the mission details from Priest Kanis. As soon as you are ready, go to Sea Dragon Cave, located under the Isle of Prayer, and rescue Parme.

3: Fly Away, Bird
Finally the Witch has been saved. The found witch moved to somewhere else due to emergency. Deliver the witch's letter to Khanis.