Undead Immortal Muus Forsaken Inmate
Level 77 Respawn Time No Respawn
HP 1 666 000 MP 2 777
P.Atk. 46 389 M.Atk. 10 329
P.Def. 1 741 M.Def. 1 887
Accuracy 135 Evasion 135
EXP 6 521 900 SP 1 000 000
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield A 1 1.5%
Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Tallum Helm Design Sealed Tallum Helm Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment NG 3 - 10 32.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare A 1 1.5%
Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Majestic Circlet Design Sealed Majestic Circlet Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment NG 2 - 5 32.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Gloves Design Sealed Tallum Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Boots Lining Sealed Tallum Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Boots Lining Sealed Majestic Boots Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Robe A 1 0.7%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Tunic Unidentified Sealed Tallum Tunic A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Stockings Unidentified Sealed Tallum Stockings A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Fabric Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Fabric NG 2 - 5 32.3%
Sealed Tallum Tunic Texture Sealed Tallum Tunic Texture NG 2 - 7 32.5%
Sealed Tallum Stockings Fabric Sealed Tallum Stockings Fabric NG 2 - 7 32.5%
Group chance: 100%
Unidentified Sealed Robe of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Robe of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Robe Unidentified Sealed Majestic Robe A 1 1%
Sealed Robe of Nightmare Fabric Sealed Robe of Nightmare Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Robe Fabric Sealed Majestic Robe Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Group chance: 30%
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 17%
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Group chance: 15%
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.085%
Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Group chance: 35%
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 25%
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Group chance: 50%
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 100%
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 2 100%
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