Fairy Messenger of Fairy Queen Berun Raid Boss
Level 50 Respawn Time 12h.
± 3h.
HP 507 285 MP 3 823
P.Atk. 2 897 M.Atk. 4 308
P.Def. 841 M.Def. 904
Accuracy 101 Evasion 101
EXP 1 362 500 SP 455 390
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 20

Water, 20

Wind, 53

Earth, 20

Holy, 20

Unholy, 20

Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 96.1882%
Unidentified Zubei's Breastplate Unidentified Zubei's Breastplate B 1 2.6279%
Unidentified Avadon Breastplate Unidentified Avadon Breastplate B 1 2.6279%
Group chance: 44.2993%
Unidentified Great Sword Unidentified Great Sword B 1 2.7348%
Unidentified Sword of Valhalla Unidentified Sword of Valhalla B 1 2.7348%
Unidentified Keshanberk Unidentified Keshanberk B 1 2.7348%
Group chance: 96.1882%
Unidentified Zubei's Gaiters Unidentified Zubei's Gaiters B 1 4.2047%
Unidentified Avadon Gaiters Unidentified Avadon Gaiters B 1 4.2047%
Group chance: 73.0373%
5.000 CRP scroll 5.000 CRP scroll NG 1 5%
Group chance: 96.1882%
Zubei's Gaiter Material Zubei's Gaiter Material NG 15 - 36 6.3708%
Group chance: 31.8059%
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-Grade) Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-Grade) NG 1 10.7143%
Group chance: 96.1882%
Avadon Breastplate Part Avadon Breastplate Part NG 12 - 24 10.9927%
Group chance: 10%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 2 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 2 14%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 2 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 2 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 2 14%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 2 15%
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 2 15%
Group chance: 96.1882%
Zubei's Breastplate Part Zubei's Breastplate Part NG 12 - 24 15.4585%
Keshanberk Blade Keshanberk Blade NG 9 - 27 17.1078%
Group chance: 49.2235%
Greater Dye of INT <Int+3 Men-3> Greater Dye of INT <Int+3 Men-3> NG 5 - 15 23.077%
Group chance: 44.2993%
Sword of Valhalla Blade Sword of Valhalla Blade NG 14 - 42 23.8797%
Group chance: 96.1882%
Avadon Gaiters Material Avadon Gaiters Material NG 15 - 36 36.405%
Group chance: 73.0373%
1.000 CRP scroll 1.000 CRP scroll NG 1 50%
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 2 66%
Group chance: 44.2993%
Great Sword Blade Great Sword Blade NG 5 - 15 67.9159%
Group chance: 49.2235%
Greater Dye of INT <Int+3 Wit-3> Greater Dye of INT <Int+3 Wit-3> NG 2 - 4 76.923%
Group chance: 31.8059%
Greater Dye of MEN <Men+3 Int-3> Greater Dye of MEN <Men+3 Int-3> NG 2 - 6 89.2857%
Group chance: 17%
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 2 100%
Group chance: 30%
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 2 100%
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