Humanoid Satyr Witch Wicked
Level 82
HP 44 240 MP 3 660
P.Atk. 5 746 M.Atk. 4 365
P.Def. 776 M.Def. 688
Accuracy 131 Evasion 131
EXP 106 239 SP 14 000
Attack Attribute Unholy, 180 Defence Attribute

Fire, 90

Water, 90

Wind, 90

Earth, 90

Holy, 50

Unholy, 90

Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 73.0373%
Dusk Fairy Dust Dusk Fairy Dust NG 1 70%
Group chance: 0.66%
Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Part Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Part NG 1 100%
Group chance: 70%
Durable Metal Plate Durable Metal Plate NG 1 0.7%
Mithril Ore Mithril Ore NG 1 29.3%
Group chance: 0.17%
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.0039%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Armor S 1 100%
Group chance: 0.24%
Leonard Leonard NG 1 100%
Group chance: 0.92%
Dark Stone Dark Stone NG 1 100%
Group chance: 1.5%
Dark Glimmer Crystal Dark Glimmer Crystal Rare NG 1 100%
Group chance: 3%
Glimmer Crystal Glimmer Crystal NG 1 100%
Group chance: 70%
Iron Ore Iron Ore NG 1 - 2 35%
Thread Thread NG 1 - 3 35%
Group chance: 66%
Adena Adena NG 8158 - 16108 100%
Item Amount Chance
Enria Enria NG 1 100%
Arcana Mace Head Arcana Mace Head NG 1 1%
Steel Steel NG 1 - 3 100%