Humanoid Triol's Priest
Level 80
HP 4 900 MP 5 105
P.Atk. 1 743 M.Atk. 1 158
P.Def. 811 M.Def. 688
Accuracy 125 Evasion 125
EXP 58 796 SP 2 800
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 20

Water, 20

Wind, 53

Earth, 20

Holy, 20

Unholy, 20

Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 70%
Adena Adena NG 6437 - 13190 100%
Group chance: 1.2375%
Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Fabric Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Fabric NG 1 16.6936%
Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Fabric Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Fabric NG 1 83.3064%
Group chance: 38.6957%
Animal Skin Animal Skin NG 13 - 36 8.614%
Iron Ore Iron Ore NG 2 - 6 32.3036%
Coal Coal NG 2 - 6 23.4932%
Charcoal Charcoal NG 3 - 9 16.1515%
Animal Bone Animal Bone NG 8 - 19 15.2014%
Blessing of Darkness Blessing of Darkness NG 1 4.2363%